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Collaborating on MiniFilm: Commercial Director and Jingle Writer 📺✍🏻

In our community, we highly encourage users to forge creative relationships! No matter how long you've been working in your industry, you can find the perfect match to create your next project! Let's talk about a few things you can do as a commercial director collaborating with a jingle writer:

  • Create and share commercials and advertisements

  • Hire a jingle writer and buy their jingles in the library

  • Collaborate on short production timelines (up to 7 minutes long)

  • Upload your content together and gain an audience

With a platform like MiniFilm, you will be able to quickly create an array of projects and get hired on a consistent basis. You can also collaborate on a commercial just for your MiniFilm audience! Have a product or business you'd like to advertise? Create the perfect ad and jingle for it!

Introduce yourselves in the comments below! Raise your hand if you make jingles or commercials! 🙋‍♀️🙋‍♂️

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1 comentário

20 de jul.

Hello beautiful people, I am Enyong Akwaowo, I am an Audio Editor/Producer. I make jingles and commercials. I am interested in collaborations.



Everyone is an industry pro!

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